Re: Population group genetics

From: Avatar Polymorph (
Date: Sat Dec 21 2002 - 19:07:28 MST

According to the article, it makes the claim that the modern human group
mainly emerged from a central core 50,000 years ago which then spread across
the planet. This gels with many figures quoted. I wonder how it relates to
the "common female ancestor" or "eve" theory.

Personally, living in Asia (Australia), I find the phrase Asian meaningless.
There is something to using phrases such as Korean or Vietnamese or Thai or
Cambodian because there are rough body types for each. But a Tamil Indian
and an Ainu have about as much in common as a Sicilian and a Pole.

It is interesting that genetic studies have indicated that invading peoples
often are too few to leave genetic marks, and only attain cultural conquest.
For example, the Celtic population in Great Britain was alleged to be mainly
two groups of neolithic peoples genetically, a western one dating 40,000
before now and an eastern one dating 20,000 years before now [this study
excluded Anglo-Saxons-Danes]. Therefore the Celtic-speaking conquerors of
c.700 BC (plus or minus a century) were small in number.

Maybe if someone asks me my race I should say Cro-Magnon!


just for interest, some other figures I have heard on dating:

dogs date back to 100,000 years before now, not 10,000 as previously thought

Australian Aborigines date back to 60,000 years before now, not 40,000

the earliest art artefact (as such) dated to 250,000 years before now - and
prior to this, also certain stones which resembled human faces naturally,
were taken to campsites

earliest inhabitants of South America (the first wave, which was spread very
thinly) arrived 50,000 before now

time taken for a mutation to spread through a large human population (e.g.
for cow's milk drinking) 10,000 years

hut building (including stone anchors for walls) and fire control 1,500,000
years before now

earliest boats 800,000 years before now

earliest use of pictographic language markers (non-counting ones) 10,000
years before now (e.g. the symbol now used as the Christian cross was a
symbol for "man")

Towards Ascension
Avatar Polymorph

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