Re: Panspermia

From: Christian Weisgerber (
Date: Fri Dec 20 2002 - 12:36:31 MST

John K Clark <> wrote:

> I don't know if Panspermia is true or not but the fact that a bacteria like
> Deinococcus radiodurans exists is very puzzling. A radiation level of just
> 500 rads can kill a human but D. radiodurans not only lives but thrives
> after being hit with 1.5 million rads, and if you freeze the bacteria first
> it lives even after 3 million rads. Why would Evolution go to all the
> trouble to provide that much protection against a threat it is unlikely to
> ever see? Perhaps the radiation protection is just a byproduct of something
> else or maybe their is a more radical answer.

I seem to recall that D. radiodurans is robust against desiccation
and that the radiation resistence is indeed just a byproduct of

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                

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