Re: [CULTURE] Vinge in Esquire

From: Charlie Stross (
Date: Thu Dec 19 2002 - 13:12:42 MST

On Thu, Dec 19, 2002 at 12:39:10PM -0700, mike99 wrote:
> A brief article about Vernor Vinge's Singularity theory appears in the
> December 2002 issue of Esquire magazine. For you, to whom this message is
> sent, there is nothing new in the article. But the fact that the Singularity
> has been mentioned in a magazine like Esquire is another sign that the meme
> has spread deeper into the general culture.

Going further, in the same direction: Whole Earth Review, flagship
magazine of the intelligent greens, is devoting the entire spring '03 [I
think] issue to the Singularity. Writers invited to contribute include
Vernor Vinge, Bruce Sterling, Cory Doctorow, Jaron Lanier, myself,
and quite a few others.

This isn't so much a first mention of the Singularity -- WER ran Vinge's
original essay back in 1994 -- but a sledgehammer assault on the barricades
of ignorance. Some of us are tackling different aspects (I'm writing about
the dangers of a panopticon singularity -- a total surveillance state),
but hopefully it'll be a comprehensive, provocative, and interesting read.

-- Charlie

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