Re: cool memeware

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Thu Dec 19 2002 - 11:41:16 MST

> (nanowave <>):
> I feel a good transhumanist candidate probably falls between the
> ages of 28 and 40 years... Any younger, and they're probably too
> focused on other matters to give much thought to getting old and
> actually dying one day, or trying to figure out their place in the
> evolving metaverse. Any older, and their memes/dreams have probably
> hardened more than their arteries.
> ...
> As for the over 40 group? Well, we'll probably have to reanimate a
> vitrified dog or two before they'll come around.

Give the fogies a little more credit for flexibility. I'm just on
the edge of 40 myself, and I know there are philosophical positions
I haven't solidified in my mind yet. I also know that I've swayed
older folks on certain issues, especially politics, though I admit
it's unlikely that I'll be able to talk my parents into cryonics.
I still have some hope for my big sister (45).

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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