Re: The Baen library

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Wed Dec 18 2002 - 15:26:37 MST

CH>it's a pity that the [Baen] selections are so restricted, but it's
CH> also easily understandable. In particular, I wish that he carried a
CH> large selection of out of print works, though I certainly understand
CH> the economic rationale for not doing so.
CH> But it's a shame that so many works languish unreprinted because of
CH> copyright restrictions. That does nobody any good.
DB> A quite amazing hoard of old and recent sf is now available at
DB>, usually quite cheaply....

It should be noted that Fictionwise titles are available only
in bizarre proprietary formats, and some of them only in
encrypted formats. Another pay service, Webscriptions, makes
its titles available in standard formats just like Baen, and
has current releases (indeed many even before publication in
paper form), and makes multiple works available for a single
price, so you're not forced to buy a title blind. In general
I think that's a much more sensible model with more respect for
the consumer.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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