The Baen library

From: Max M (
Date: Wed Dec 18 2002 - 09:39:56 MST

I recently became aware of:

There are a lot of SF books for free download.

I don't recognise any of the authors as being of >H interrest myself,
but maybe someone on the list does. If so, feel free to point them out.

Aaron Allston
Charles G. McGraw
D. W. St. John
Dave Freer
David Drake
David Weber
Duncan Long
Ellen Guon
Eric Flint
Holly Lisle
James C. Glass
James H. Schmitz
Jerry Pournelle
John Dalmas
John Ringo
K. D. Wentworth
Karen Koehler
Keith Laumer
Larry Niven
Linda Evans
Lois McMaster Bujold
Mark A. Garland
Mercedes Lackey
Michael Flynn
Rick Cook

hilsen/regards Max M Rasmussen, Denmark
Fremtiden, videnskab, skeptiscisme og transhumanisme

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