Re: Negative baggage

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Mon Dec 16 2002 - 12:09:21 MST

> (Mike Lorrey <>):
> I dont' wish to attract numerous rude flames from those on the list who
> are militantly pro-drug to the point of flaming anybody with a rational
> libertarian argument such as that above. If you don't agree with my
> opinion, so be it, but don't think that your posting rude responses is
> going to change my opinion (I'm only saying this because that was the
> response from a few individuals the last time I made the above statement).

I don't think there's anyone here that would argue with you. Even the
most militant libertarians don't approve of drunk driving, and "drunk
parenting" is certainly a rational extension of that (though I wouldn't
go so far as to require insurance, just get a babysitter while you
party; and if you're constantly so pickled you simply can't be an
effective parent then by all means you should lose custody). I think
the only time you've been flamed when you talk about drugs is when you
say things like Marijuana is addictive, or that it's more dangerous
than alcohol, or that there's some difference between "legal" and
"illegal" drugs besides stupid laws, or when you tacitly approve
of current laws the lock people away for mere use, regardless of
whether such use has caused external harm or not.

You have quite clearly supported laws against drugs themselves,
which is no different than supporting gun bans: it's making the
technology evil instead of the particular use it's put to. If you
cause harm with a gun, prosecute the harm, not the gun. Likewise if
you cause harm with drugs, prosecute the harm, not the drug. The
fact that some drugs alter one's ability to make rational choices
while on the drug doesn't change that--one still has the ability to
rationally choose whether and when to use, and there do exist
responsible uses for all drugs, just as there are responsible uses
for firearms.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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