Re: Iraq: example to Iran, NK, Pakistan, India

From: Kai M. Becker (
Date: Mon Dec 16 2002 - 06:41:45 MST

Mitchell Porter schrieb:
> As I see it, when it comes to the questions "Who sent the anthrax?"
> and "Why the focus on Iraq?" there are three theories doing the
> rounds. [Theory A, B, C] [...]
> There are other theories possible [...]
> I regard Theory B as implausible, because of the Florida
> connection. I regard Theory A as implausible, because the US
> government is clearly choosing not to highlight the Florida
> connection. That leaves Theory C.

As you state correctly, there are many more possible answers. But simple
deductive logic is not appropriate until one knows all N possible
answers and has negative proofs for N-1 of them. Therefore, your logic
is faulty.


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