How the Cryofeast went at Creekside/Ventureville...

From: John Grigg (
Date: Sun Dec 15 2002 - 23:32:28 MST

I just wanted to share what a success the Creekside/Ventureville Cryofeast was. A nice, intimate group gathered together in our beautiful facilities for fascinating conversation and good food.

At the appointed time we gathered outside and planted trees to be living time capsules/markers so as the years pass by we can recall the growth of the place as compared to them.

One of our most interesting guests was Harry Braun, a nationally recognized expert in alternative power sources. David Pizer and I learned so much from him that in time a high-tech windmill may be seen on our property due to his influence! lol

For many hours we just sat in the main lodge great room and discussed many fun and exciting subjects. This was may first Cryofeast, so it was especially cool. I hope the next time we have one even more people will come. If you happen to talk to a person who did attend you will be in the presence of someone who will endorse what I have said here.

best wishes,

John Grigg
General Manager-in-training
Creekside Preserve Lodge



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