Re: Noam Chomsky and Cambodia

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Sun Dec 15 2002 - 13:47:31 MST

--- Jeff Davis <> wrote:
> John Clark wrote:
> I think the New York Review of Books got it right when
> they called Mr. Chomsky "the Doctor Demento of
> American Political Commentary."
> Wrong again, John. That was David Horowitz.

But did the New York Times publish this statement by Horowitz? Did the
author of the review lend any credence to this opinion?

> Then, later in the thread, John writes:
> ...I might add that when Chomsky criticizes
> Israel in one breath and denies the Holocaust in
> another...
> Wrong again, John.
> Either stick to a subject you know something about,
> check your sources, or shut the fuck up.

Chomsky has, in fact, tried to claim, like other Holocaust deniers of
the 'lite' variety, that denying that there were gas chambers and ovens
doesn't detract from the heinousness of the Holocaust.

On the contrary, if you can disprove that Jewish internees were not
systematically exterminated by chemical means, then you are only a step
away from claiming that those that died in the camps did so from a)
excessive labor (for which there is no international agreement
prohibiting), b) sickness and lack of medicine (which is the allies
fault for blockading the Axis powers, and otherwise is not a crime), or
c) starvation after the camps were abandoned by the Nazis and before
they were taken over by Allied troops (which is also obviously not the
fault of the Nazis and not a war crime).

Ergo, by lending credence and legitimacy to the opinions of the
deniers, Chomsky aids in the legitimizing of genocide, as he has
already done with regard to Cambodia, and is thus a serial apologist
for genocide.

> "...he looses any respect I may have had for the man,
> yet the gullible still buy his books and sit at his
> feet while this moral imbecile..."
> How very disconcerting it must be to lose the respect
> of a fact-challenged 'garden variety' imbecile and
> misogynist flake.

Frankly, Jeff, I am not disconcerted at all (nor, I am sure, is John)
to find out that I've lost YOUR respect.

> "While it is not true that all conservatives are
> stupid people, it is nevertheless undeniable that
> practically all stupid people are conservative."
> John Stuart Mill

Your sigline seems to perpetuate ever more left wing swill such as
this. I see left wing idiots all the time on TV. You almost can't find
a channel that they are not on (perhaps the shopping channels, I'm not sure).

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