RE: Programming Question

From: Phil Osborn (
Date: Sat Dec 14 2002 - 16:28:23 MST

Your question is beyond my programming competence for
sure. I stick to JavaScript and HTML. One very good
place from which I've gotten a LOT of good answers and
pointers, however, as a professional in-house web
designer (site up to 450+ pages now, all hand-coded,
at least fifty major keywords on page 1 of Google.) is They have been around for quite a
long time in web years, and cover every topic. is a user/programmer dominated site.
Anyone can join. Beware of one guy (?) - goes by
"holophrastic." He is very competent and
knowledgeable and has a nasty habit of coming down
really hard on people who ask beginner questions or
worse, questions that are not properly phrased or too
ambiguous. He likes to be mean. Apart from him, the
crew there is generally quite cordial and very
competent. I've worked my way through LONG projects
in JavaScript design with them on several occasions.

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