Re: cryonics program on discovery

From: John Grigg (
Date: Sat Dec 14 2002 - 09:14:56 MST

Spike wrote:
I just accidentally caught the last few minutes
of a program on cryonics on the Discovery channel.
I happened to spot it while channel surfing. Did
anyone else see it? Comments? It looked quite well
done and fairly balanced, tilted pro-Alcor perhaps,
but not blindly optimistic. spike

Spike, what you saw was probably "Immortality on Ice" which originally came out about five years ago. While it may have appeared "balanced" with what little you saw at the end, I felt it was ultimately slanted against cryonics. Every time a cryonicist in the program made a good point, they would have a "real world" cryobiologist just shake their head and essentially say "it just ain't so!" Of course the cryobiologists never took into account the possibility of mature nanotechnology coming down the road in the next fifty to one-hundred years due to the avalanche of technological advancement which humanity has been having.

I was thrilled at the time to see a mass media program about cryonics, but it could have been much better. I will have to send you my copy of it so you and Shelley can see the program in its entirety and then dislike it as much as I do. lol!

best wishes,




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