[www.futureport.dk/news] Summary - 2002-14-12 (10 articles)

From: Max M (maxmcorp@worldonline.dk)
Date: Sat Dec 14 2002 - 07:56:02 MST

[www.futureport.dk/news] Summary - 2002-14-12 (10 articles)

Design links quantum bits
[Science] Found by: maxm

Much of today's effort to build quantum computers, which would use the
attributes of atoms and subatomic particles to carry out blazingly fast
computations, is focused on finding the best way to make quantum bits,
or qubits, the basic building blocks needed to represent and process
information using the quirks of quantum physics.

Fractal Magnets May Fracture Old Technologies
[Science] Found by: maxm

Plastics with fractal magnetic fields "may provide ways to store a high
density of information" in a very small space because of their intensely
ordered structure, explained Arthur Epstein, director of the Center for
Materials Research at OSU.

Virtual world will run on real cash
[Sci-fi] Found by: maxm

A virtual online world in which players can earn and spend real money
will officially launch on 30 January 2003, when the final software
download for the game is released. The games developers say early
glitches, like disappearing money, have now been eliminated.

Also at:


       Project Entropia

Scientists exposed as sloppy reporters
[Science] Found by: maxm

A cunning statistical study has exposed scientists as sloppy reporters.
When they write up their work and cite other people's papers, most do
not bother to read the original.

Flaxseed inhibits tumor growth and metastasis in murine model
[Health] Found by: maxm

Nutritional scientists in Canada report that when they added 10%
flaxseed to the diet of mice with human breast tumors, tumor growth and
metastases were reduced.

Dabrosin's group found "supplementation of 10% flaxseed, the richest
source of mammalian lignans, to [the mice] reduced tumor growth and
metastasis. Moreover, flaxseed decreased extracellular levels of VEGF,
which may be one mechanistic explanation to the decreased tumor growth
and metastasis," they said.

Digital divide encompasses more than technology
[AI] Found by: maxm

Access to information technology and training in IT skills are supposed
to level the economic playing field for women and low-income minorities,
but two Penn State researchers say acquiring that expertise alone
doesn't automatically lead to upward mobility.

Revving up the rovers
[Space] Found by: maxm

Sometime this week, in an airtight chamber, Mars Rover 2 will undergo a
stress test.

It is already past the "shake and bake" trials that simulate the
vibrations of a launch and the hyper-tropical Martian temperatures.

Chess and GO no-brainers?
[AI] Found by: maxm

The board games chess and GO take practice, not intellect, brain scans
of players suggest1,2 . Intelligence areas appear inactive when people
puzzle over game strategy.

Truth, Ownership, and Scientific Tradition
[Skeptiscism] Found by: maxm

Scientific misconduct is not unique to industry, for the professional
pressures in universities, nonprofit organizations, and federal
laboratories are similar and in many respects greater. However, the
economic inducements to misconduct are especially easy to understand in
the case of private-sector research.

Swift - online newsletter of the JREF
[Skeptiscism] Found by: maxm

Those Perpetual Magnets, Uncomplimentary Medicine, An Elegant Dowsing
Lesson!, Blasted Cat, Astrology Dissed, Unicorn Bones?, Planet X Cometh,
Eclipse Wonders, A Vancouver "Genius", and More Ark Archness.....

hilsen/regards Max M
Fremtiden, videnskab, skeptiscisme og transhumanisme

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