[www.futureport.dk/news] Summary - 2002-13-12 (10 articles)

From: Max M (maxmcorp@worldonline.dk)
Date: Fri Dec 13 2002 - 03:10:41 MST

[www.futureport.dk/news] Summary - 2002-13-12 (10 articles)

Hi-Tech vs. Low-Tech Threats
[Politics] Found by: maxm

The Bush Administration has repeatedly raised the specter of evildoers
armed with exotic weapons - from Al-Qaeda's "dirty bombs" to Saddam's
biotoxin-spraying unmanned planes. But the recent attacks in Kenya
underscore a simple truth, defense experts say: terrorists hardly ever
use high-tech gadgetry. Instead, they rely on low- or no-tech methods to
help pull off their missions.

Especially interresting in the light of this paper by Nick Bostrom on
"Existential Risks".

Reason cartoons
[Science] Found by: maxm

Just go see.

Fish's re-grown heart gives hope for humans
[Science] Found by: maxm

A brightly-coloured fish used for studying the function of human genes
can completely re-grow its heart tissue after major injury, a US team
has discovered. This remarkable finding could lead to human cures for
the damage caused by heart attack or heart disease.

Herbicide fights malaria in people
[Health] Found by: maxm

The first human trial of a herbicide that can kill the malaria parasite
has been successful, a German team reports. The drug cleared the
parasite from 23 sufferers in Gabon, Africa, in an average of 48 hours
and caused only mild side effects.

Progress in Multiple Telomerase-Based Cancer Therapies
[Science] Found by: maxm

Geron Corporation reported positive data from its telomerase-based
cancer treatment programs at three scientific meetings in early December.

The key developments presented at the meetings show progress on the
development of GRN163, a potent and specific telomerase inhibitor, and
on Geron's in vivo therapeutic vaccine and oncolytic virus.

Researchers Discover Gene that Controls Learned Fear
[Science] Found by: maxm

Researchers have discovered the first genetic component of a biochemical
pathway in the brain that governs the indelible imprinting of
fear-related experiences in memory.

Observing proteins and cells in the wild
[Science] Found by: maxm

Imagine if molecular and cell biologists could watch proteins and cells
at work in their natural habitat in the same way that wildlife
biologists observe animals in the wild. They'd sit back and witness
first hand their microscopic subjects' daily routines, interactions and
movements, and the places they prefer to be.

Also at:

     * The Rockefeller University.

Exoskeleton Products Possible in a Decade, Thanks to Military
[Technology] Found by: maxm

Exoskeletons that amplify physical ability could be available within a
decade, thanks largely to work by the the US military.

Transhumanist Association to Transcend Financial Woes in New Year
[Transhumanism] Found by: maxm

The World Transhumanist Association has been promised regular funding
from a UK charity, putting the organization in the new position of
deciding how best to direct cash flow to achieve its goals.

Piracy is Progressive Taxation, and Other Thoughts on the Evolution of
Online Distribution
[Politics] Found by: maxm

Tim O'Reilly - The continuing controversy over online file sharing
sparks me to offer a few thoughts as an author and publisher. To be
sure, I write and publish neither movies nor music, but books. But I
think that some of the lessons of my experience still apply.

hilsen/regards Max M
Fremtiden, videnskab, skeptiscisme og transhumanisme

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