Re: Noam Chomsky (was RE: joinThe American Peace Movement)

From: spike66 (
Date: Fri Dec 13 2002 - 00:14:18 MST wrote:
> In a message dated 12/12/2002 10:34:35 PM Central Standard Time,
> writes: If anyone even mentions the word communist at one
> of those parties, they soon start telling their stories. The result is bone
> chilling, scary. They mean it. Listening to them gave me a whole new view
> of the Vietnam war. spike
> Spike,
> You are right on the spot. One of the things I did in my life was to
> teach Vietnamese our language. For another I live surrounded by ex Soviet
> citizens.
> I feel sorry for those folks...

The lady three doors down escaped by bribing her way
out of Vietnam. She came to America as a teenager with
no knowledge of English. Now she teaches math at the
local community college.

My coworker's wife was rescued nearly dead at sea after
having gone 5 days without food. She was 17 at the time.
Today she is a controls engineer at Lockheeed.

One neighbor has a lot of animosity toward another.
I asked why and someone who said her family
had collaborated with the French. I dont know
why that is bad, but several of the neighbors
have a tude about it.

It was after I learned this that I suggested
a few months ago that perhaps the way to peace
was to forget all political history, forget it
all, dont teach it. Several including Greg Burch
convinced me of the folly of that suggestion,
but it does seem tempting at times.

My comment about not being able to take the
extropians to one of the block parties was
my way of saying I didnt know if I could trust
us to not speak, only listen to their stories.


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