Re: What caused the universe to exist?

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Thu Dec 12 2002 - 16:21:00 MST

gts wrote:
> --- Lee Corbin <> wrote:
>>I agree with all the above points, but it seems to
>>me that this discussion and many like it tend to
>>confuse two meanings of the word "universe". One
>>meaning is *everything* and the other is what fell
>>out of the big bang.
> By universe, I mean the totality of all things. This
> would include the platonic realm of ideas.

Then we are talking about totally different "things". I don't
think a quesiton about why our universe exists is talking about
why the union of all that exists exists. That would be indeed
be utterly silly. The question is only reasonable (and
answerable) in the more limited sense of this space-time bubble
or perhaps the larger "structure" such "bubbles" form in.

- samantha

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