RE: Reanimating life

From: Avatar Polymorph (
Date: Thu Dec 12 2002 - 10:31:54 MST

LEE CORBIN writes:

"Robert Bradbury writes

>How do we recreate the spirits of those no longer breathing
>and extend the vector of their will into the world?
> > Is that not the least that we can do for our friends?

Damn straight! First, try to get yourself signed up, and
everyone who will listen to you. Second, hope that Tipler's
theories (or some variation of them) are correct. Third,
do---as you are---everything that seems feasible or
practical to advance the Singularity, and fourth, spread
the word that the loss of every human life must be regarded
as an irreparable tragedy.

If enough people embrace all the above with revolutionary
ardor, death will be defeated.

Lastly, appreciate and celebrate the greatest moral revolution
since cryonics, "The Hedonistic Imperative" .

All the best,

Lee Corbin"

Spot on, Lee, spot on. I have mentioned Tipler and immortalism to dozens and
dozens and dozens of people, at parties, in conversation - and talked about
Drexler and extropians and transhumanists - and put up many posters and so
on - I never allow ignorance to be a barrier to conversation, though there
is always an appropriate time and place for things.

Towards Ascension! Avatar

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