Re: Noam Chomsky and Cambodia

From: Ross A. Finlayson (
Date: Thu Dec 12 2002 - 04:40:49 MST

Why do you disturb my picture of European WWII as rescuing the Jews from
the Nazis?

Grandpa killed a bunch of "Nazis" doing his part, dead Germans. Most of
his unit died, they were hazardous combat engineers. Do you have a
problem with that? Their unit was deactivated, 372. He had a ribbon
with three stars on it. What does that mean? Grandpa didn't die.

My picture also is foremost about protecting liberal democracy.

We don't need your steenking badges.

Boom! Boom, sha lok, lok, boom. Boom!

Disciple of Bruce Lee:

Choose one:

Let me choose a quote: "anytime, anywhere."

I like Germany and Germans. I like almost anybody, I'm almost
completely easy-going. Ich sprech nur ein kleine Deutsche.

My own personal lineage is around a quarter Teutonic.

Read my e-mails, I think the administration is criminal. Impeach!
Impeach them all!

"No confidence."

Ross for President. Remember to write-in Ross! I'm not thirty-five,


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