Re: The Scientific Method

From: Ross A. Finlayson (
Date: Thu Dec 12 2002 - 03:42:24 MST

You have a problem with the scientific method?

I'm surprised to hear that.

Well, not surprised, but I didn't expect extropians to be against the
scientific method.

The point of the scientific method is that you can prove your
conclusions based on empirical evidence.

(Heh, two bits of entropy, but why?)

The scientific method is the best method that we s humans yet have,
along with Clifford algebras, to predict subatomic mechanics. Happily,
Clifford or geometric algebras have predicted subatomic mechanics. That
is to say, even yet, humans can use mathematics to predict their
understanding of physics.

(Heh, two bits.)

We were introduced to the scientific method, however familiar it may be
to any rational person, in high school chemistry, where we kept lab

The scientific method is happily rational.

Ross F.

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