Re: Noam Chomsky and Cambodia

From: John K Clark (
Date: Wed Dec 11 2002 - 22:51:01 MST

"Damien Broderick" <> Wrote:

> John, this is fascinating. Can you provide an accessible citation?

I don't know if Chomsky has said in so many words that the Jews were
responsible for WW2 (although it wouldn't surprise me if he did) but
Faurisson certainly did and according to Chomsky Faurisson is a "respected
professor" doing "extensive independent historical research" with not even a
hint of Anti Semitism. Thus Chomsky would get very low marks on question
number 3 of my moral IQ test and on the first two he would get zero. Alan
Dershowitz is not normally one of my favorite people but he did write an
interesting article about Chomsky and Faurisson at

    John K Clark

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