Re: who published 'True Names?'

From: Ziana Astralos (
Date: Wed Dec 11 2002 - 19:47:19 MST

(12/11/2002 19:27) "Damien Broderick" <> wrote:
> Well, no:
> Binary Star #5
> Auth/Ed: James R. Frenkel
> Year: 1981
> ISBN: 0-440-10757-1
> Pub: Dell
> Price: $2.50
> Pages: 239
> Type: pb
> Contains the following works:
> es Afterword to "Nightflyers" Vernor Vinge
> es Afterword to "True Names" George R. R. Martin
> es Introduction (Binary Star #5) James R. Frenkel
> sf Nightflyers George R. R. Martin
> sf True Names Vernor Vinge

Yep, I missed that entry.

First publication, but probably also the hardest to find now ;-)
Depends what sort of reference this was intended for, I suppose. For
ease of location, the latest collection would of course come out ahead
of any of the earlier editions. Looks like four to choose from... There's
also a copy of the text online, at

Ziana Astralos  -  -
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