Re: The Scientific Method (was Noam Chomsky and Cambodia)

From: Frederick Mann (
Date: Wed Dec 11 2002 - 10:59:07 MST

For an interesting version of Scientific Method,
see The Scientific Method Today

Frederick Mann

--On Wednesday, December 11, 2002 09:52:38 AM -0800 Charles Hixson
<> wrote:

> Lee Corbin wrote:
>> ...
>> Hi Olga!
>> First, I dispute that there really is anything called
>> "the scientific method", or, if there is, that it is
>> anything practiced regularly by human beings.
> There certainly isn't a "the scientific method", there are, instead,
> several, each adapted to particular fields of study. They do, however,
> have certain features in common (necessary, but not sufficient). And no
> individual human practices it. It is rather a communal process,
> depending on social stuructures and feedback systems.

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