RE: Join The American Peace Movement

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Tue Dec 10 2002 - 18:20:55 MST

--- wrote:
> On Sat, 7 Dec 2002, Mike Lorrey wrote:
> > In europe, and around the world, it is those with the worst
> histories
> > which are expressing the most opposition to us, and the most
> support
> > for groups and individuals who have done the most to foster the
> > terrorist scourge. Whether it is Germany, from whence the 9/11
> killers
> > launched their attack and where they found refuge for years, to
> Egypt
> > and Saudi Arabia, from whence most all of the 9/11 killers came
> from
> > and where they were taught to hate the US,
> You forgot Florida, where they learnt to fly.
> And Washington, whose burocrats gave the terrorists permission
> to enter the US in order to learn to fly.
> I'm sure there must be more people to blame...

Well, yes, there are: Massachusetts, California, among others. I assume
you think that referencing Florida and DC would chill me somewhat. It
doesn't. Take Florida, whose residents can't seem to be able to vote or
count and who are the biggest economic drain on the rest of the
country. Then you've got DC, which didn't actually give the terrorists
permission to enter the country until months AFTER 9/11.

The problem, though, is that neither Florida nor DC would have been at
fault if european countries like Germany had not presented the
terrorists as bona-fide refugees and decent folk.

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