Re: Join The American Peace Movement

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Tue Dec 10 2002 - 15:30:34 MST

--- Michael Wiik <> wrote:
> You know, there's a libertarian antiwar movement too. You can read
> about it at You might remember libertarians, there
> used to be some on this list.

Yes, there are those LPers who take the 'republicrat/demopublican'
concept too far, and automagically condemn anything the US govt does,
no matter who is in office, and no matter what is actually being done.
I'll bet that the day that a Libertarian sits in the White House, there
will be stories running around the LP Samizdat about the heinous crimes
against humanity and corruption of that individual. The LP doesn't need
an opposition party to play dirty tricks on it, it does the job on
itself quite nicely.

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