[www.futureport.dk/news] Summary - 2002-10-12 (14 articles)

From: Max M (maxmcorp@worldonline.dk)
Date: Tue Dec 10 2002 - 01:28:44 MST

[www.futureport.dk/news] Summary - 2002-10-12 (14 articles)

I am afraid that there are a few duplicates from earlier postings. This
can happen for a few days, as I am synching up the website with news i
previously did manually.

regards Max M Rasmussen, Denmark

Virus Throttle a Hopeful Defense
[Technology] Found by: maxm

Computer viruses and worms live in the fast lane, propagating themselves
through a network faster than even the most highly caffeinated techie
can purge them from a system.

But Matthew Williamson, a researcher at the Hewlett-Packard laboratories
in Bristol, England, has come up with a new way to handle the
quick-moving cybercritters: Throttle 'em.

Cosmic Pro-Lifers
[Space] Found by: maxm

Questions about extraterrestrial life - whether it exists, what it would
be like, how to look for it - generate very little scientific consensus.
Some scientists enthuse over the Search for Extraterrestrial
Intelligence, which listens for radio signals from alien civilizations.
Others propound the Rare Earth Hypothesis, which states that an array of
unusual factors allowed complex life to arise here, and that any life we
find elsewhere would likely be as simple as bacteria.

Outlaws and Databases
[Politics] Found by: maxm

The notion that we are better off with impaired police is widespread,
particularly with regard to surveillance and databases. The recent
revelation that the Defense Department has a project headed by John
Poindexter to create a surveillance database called the "Total
Information Awareness System" provoked a hostile response from William
Safire and the Washington Post editorial page, among others.

The Alternative Universe
[Sceptiscism] Found by: maxm

It is time for Congress to defund the National Center for Complementary
and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM.) After ten years of existence and over
$200 million in expenditures, it has not proved effectiveness for any
"alternative" method. It has added to proof of ineffectiveness of some
methods, but we had that disproof before NCCAM was formed. NCCAM
proposals for 2002 and 2003 promise no more. Its major accomplishment
has been to ensure the positions of school faculty who might become
otherwise employed - in more productive pursuits.

UMass scientist identifies gene that governs obesity, physical activity,
sex behaviors in mice
[Science] Found by: maxm

A team led by University of Massachusetts Amherst researcher Deborah J.
Good has identified a gene that appears to play a role in obesity,
physical activity, and sex behaviors in mice. Good works with so-called
"knock-out" mice, which have a specific gene deleted. Scientists then
monitor the animals for changes in their physiology and behavior, in an
effort to determine the gene's role.

More Sun-like stars may have planetary systems than currently thought
[Space] Found by: maxm

If David Weintraub and Jeff Bary are right, there may be a lot more
planets circling stars like the Sun than current models of star and
planet formation predict.

Carbon Chip Breakthrough May Crush Silicon
[Technology] Found by: maxm

Researchers in Canada claim they have stabilized polythiophene, a
normally unstable, yet highly flexible, semiconducting polymer that can
be etched with electronic circuits in place of rigid silicon chips
Relevant Products/Services from Intel, promising newspaper-thin computer
monitors and televisions you can pin to your wall.

Study: Flies Eat, Still Live Long
[Aging] Found by: maxm

As evidence mounts that severely restricting calories can dramatically
increase the life span of many organisms, evolutionary biologists like
to caution that, in nature, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

IBM Announces Development of Six-nanometre Transistor
[Technology] Found by: maxm

IBM researchers have announced the development of a transistor 10 times
smaller than those used in the most advanced computer chips available now.

Cloned Cells Reboot Cow Immune Systems
[Health] Found by: maxm

Implanted stem cells from cloned embryos have rebooted the immune system
of elderly cows, according to a report from US cloning leaders Advance
Cell Technology.

Drugs, Guns and Money
[Politics] Found by: maxm

Just about everone hates the War on Drugs. Public officials and pundits
at every point along the political spectrum, from the governors of New
Mexico and Minnesota to the former mayor of Baltimore, have railed
against its wastefulness; Detroit Police Chief Jerry Oliver blames it
for exacerbating inner-city crime. William F. Buckley calls it a "plague
that consumes an estimated $75 billion per year in public money";
Christopher Hitchens has labeled it "grotesque, state-sponsored

Rehearsing for War
[Technology] Found by: maxm

In front of massive, Imax-sized screens and a bank of the most
sophisticated computer and telecommunications equipment, Gen. Tommy
Franks kicked off one of the most comprehensive computerized war
simulations ever today.

In the Future, We'll All Be Harry Potter
[Sci-fi] Found by: maxm

The world of magic is a world where inanimate objects come alive; it's
as if they had computational power, sensors, awareness, and connectivity.

Swift - Online newsletter of the JREF
[Sceptiscism] Found by: maxm

Amazing Meeting, Swedish Epiphany, Russian Levitator, VLT Validation
Planned, Irish Medium Well Done, South Park Comes Through, Late-Night
"UFO" Puzzle, CNN Reaction, More Measurement Madness, and a Great Danish

hilsen/regards Max M
Fremtiden, videnskab, skeptiscisme og transhumanisme

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