Re: Extropian separation [was: Superconducting motors become black holes???]

From: Hubert Mania (
Date: Tue Dec 10 2002 - 00:09:34 MST

Anders Sandberg wrote:

> > Yes, this is very useful. But isnīt this extraction process only for the
> > electrical part of the mass-energy? I thought it ended up with a boring
> > schwarzschild hole after the charges had been neutralized.

Robert Bradbury said:

> It is only on the extropian list where an individual with an IQ a couple
> of standard deviations to the right of the norm (somewhat below Eliezer's
> but not so much so that we can't hold a mutually educational conversation)
> will encounter a statement (such as the above) where one is relatively
> clueless with respect to the topic being discussed.

Not that I wish to question your's or Anders' or Eliezer's high IQ :-). But
let's assume that I with my pretty moderate IQ, had never heard about the
properties of a black hole before and did a google search and the first link
would lead me to a website where the achievements of Karl Schwarzschild and
the mass-energy relation were explained in the first paragraph, I could
easily formulate such a sentence as the one above and would sound
especially between the ears of a reader who reads it in context with *his
own* knowledge about black holes and would have a hard time imagining what
it's like to know nothing about this topic.

So, when he calls my question "intelligent" he actually celebrates his own
creativity, his thinking capacity and his knowledge that was inflamed by my
humble remix of another man's insider information delivered to me by Great
Gooogleymoogley's billionfold eyes within the split of a second.

> I'm not sure whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. But it
> points out how the average person who reads their horoscope in the paper
> every day is separated by light-years from the typical extropian.

A neglected form of intelligence and creativitiy that is not captured with
IQ measurement for example is the ability to jump down from the academical
horse and explain connections and causalities about black holes in an
everyday languange without involving three letter words and mathematical
formula so that Average Joe might get encouraged to lay aside his horoscope
papers and to reinforce this initial knowledge.

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