Re: What caused the universe to exist?

Date: Mon Dec 09 2002 - 10:33:47 MST

In a message dated 09/12/02 16:59:55 GMT Standard Time,

> Ah, but the real question may be does "Mitchell Porter" exist at all.
> The simulation of this interaction would seem to be so much less expensive
> if we just cut to the chase.
> Is a way to judge a sim vs. a non-sim possible based on whether or not
> they choose to conserve the energy resources? Do sims ever grow tired of
> consuming energy to maintain a "lifelike" waste of energy?
> Robert

       Just a quickie on the SIM universe theme. Have you ever noticed
anything that could be considered a 'Matrix' Style glitch ? I have noticed
quite a few unexplainable and unprovable glitches ranging from a tree I
remember and saw every day for years only to find out it never existed or a
neighbours doorway that had been there for 30 years and then had been bricked
up without a trace.
       The strangest and scariest of all was the time I was walking home from
work with a pocket full of money and the very next second, it was night time,
my pockets were empty and I had no coordination and couldn't see properly.
The only proof of this last event was the unmistakable smell of alcohol in
the air. I think this must be a biproduct of a change to the matrix.


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