Re: Join The American Peace Movement

Date: Sat Dec 07 2002 - 12:15:17 MST

Samantha asked:
>>>>>> Did Martin Luther King or Gandhi teach "peace at any price"? <<<<<<<<
Without revising history one tad, MLK did not believe in peace at any price,
Mahatma Gandhi surely did. Gandhi believed that non-violent resistance would
win the day. This was surely true with the British Empire, this was surely
untrue with, say, the Red Guard of the PRC.

Mike Lorrey stated:
<<They promoted a view that 100% of the troubles of their people were the
fault of others, that their people were to be perpetually a victim
class, and that they should emphasize this by adopting only those
strategies that do the most to portray them as helpless victims who
need rescuing.>>

With the peoples of India, this no longer seems to be the current mindset
(anti-Colonialism rhetoric) and such. I am not sure which way Black America
is headed, or what the majority views are. Lots of various voices to
consider. The Peace Movement is largely, an anti-American movement, ignoring
the deaths of 3000 Americans on 9-11, the Saudi complicity with the Khobar
Towers attack in 1998, the attack on the US Cole, the attack on the US
embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, etc. The hand of the Wahabbis has long been
involved in financing violence against non-Muslims, for the last 20 years or
so. The Saudi govenment is co-mingled with the Wahabbi religious-political

Far more damaging then the Peace Movement, to American interests, is the
American elite, including the President(s), and the US State Department, in
supporting Saudi Arabia, and deliberatly looking the other way, while the
Saudi Royals fund anti-Americanism, under the table to the madrassahs.

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