Re: Join The American Peace Movement

Date: Sat Dec 07 2002 - 10:50:19 MST

In a message dated 12/7/2002 10:32:44 AM Central Standard Time, writes: Is that only groups you sympathize with, or all
groups? You yourself are guilty of smearing a number of groups on this list,
especially whites, men, scientists, Libertarians, gun owners, Americans,
capitalists, Republicans, Objectivists and other Ayn Rand fans, among

       Is it possible we have the various peace movements in the wrong? I
have long credited Ghandi and Martin Luther King as excellent tacticians that
had a conflict they wished to win and chose their tactics as the best
available to them that would win. It had nothing to do with peace.
       You mentioned other "peace movements." I have read David Horowitz on
Vietnam and am aware that these other movements might well have had other
goals than peace in mind.
       I am curious, have you ever looked at peace movements from that angle?
Ron h

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