RE: Absolute Right and Wrong

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Sat Dec 07 2002 - 09:11:02 MST

--- Ramez Naam <> wrote:
> From: Samantha Atkins []
> > This is one of those mostly pointless perennial threads that
> > washes up onto these Extropian (we hope) e-shores periodically.
> > "Absolute" Right and Wrong has no place in a
> > naturalist/scientific worldview.
> Here here! I agree with you completely, Samantha. The only things
> which are absolutely wrong are those things which are impossible
> given the natural laws that govern the universe.

And these laws are exactly where concepts of Natural Law are abstracted
from. Or do you believe that human nature evolved in complete disregard
of universal physical law?

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