[futureport.dk] News summaries - 07-12-2002

From: Max M (maxmcorp@worldonline.dk)
Date: Sat Dec 07 2002 - 07:03:23 MST

Not much news today, but here goes.

Artificial Retina that Directly Stimulates Neurons Appears Close to Reality


The discovery that electrical stimulation of retinal cells can allow
visual perception in those with eye diseases and legal blindness has
spurred efforts to develop artificial retinas that stimulate neurons

Production of Cheap, Efficient Nanotech Solar Cells to Begin in Asia


Nanotechnology-based solar cells that could make solar power economically
competitive with fossil fuel energy will go into production following an
agreement between an American startup and an Asian giant.

Europeans Building Massive Telescope that Could See Distant Planets


European astronomers have announced a project to build a telescope 10
times bigger than any in the world.

German scientists fool cancer cells into dying of old age


A promising new substance that tricks tumours into slowing down and dying
of "old age" was foreshadowed in research unveiled Thursday by scientists
in Germany.

Synthetic DNA Nanocircles Aid Study of Aging in Cells


Nanotechnology researchers have created synthetic DNA nanocircles, which
they say can act as essentially infinite catalytic templates for efficient
synthesis of long telomeres by DNA polymerase enzymes. Their work was
reported November 20, 2002, in the online edition of the Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences.

Sci-Fi Tales Propel Space Tech


Jules Verne anticipated man's first trip to the moon in his 1865 novel,
 From the Earth to the Moon. Arthur C. Clarke foresaw space stations and
sentient computers in his classic, 2001: A Space Odyssey. Ray Bradbury
wrote about extraterrestrial civilization in The Martian Chronicles
decades before NASA's Mars Rover surveyed the planet.

hilsen/regards Max M
Fremtiden, videnskab, skeptiscisme og transhumanisme

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