Re: The Law is a Ass, was Re: RE: "...wir nichts wissen koennen."

From: Michael M. Butler (
Date: Thu Dec 05 2002 - 23:08:23 MST

2002-12-05 16:14:15, wrote:

>In a message dated 12/5/2002 6:06:19 PM Central Standard Time,
> writes: the same way Yamamoto got strung up for atrocities
>committed by his subordinates in the Philippines about which all agreed he
>had no knowledge.
> Aren't you talking about someone else? As I recall we intercepted,
>via radio, and de-coded Yamamoto's itinerary. We then sent a flight of P-38s
>to intercept him as he flew into one destination on his route. We shot down
>his airplane and killed him.
> Yamamoto was their best Naval officer and the mastermind of Pearl
>Harbor. We didn't hang him.
>Ron h.
>BTW, our P-38's interception of his plane was made to look accidental as we
>did not want the Japanese to know we had broken their most secure cipher.

Yes, sorry for the brain burp. Yamashita.

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