Re: interesting critique of global warming panic

From: Extropian Agro Forestry Ventures Inc. (
Date: Thu Dec 05 2002 - 22:10:40 MST

By George he's got it!

Instead of devoting resources to war its time to melt those polar caps
and devote technology and resources to develop the protective methods
to allow those affested to cope. More water means more bio-sphere
activity..... and it's not just because I live in the middle of the
continent in the great "prairie desert"... longing for the rain forest?

As my father, a person who came to Sask. with his parents in 1908 as
homesteaders , said " oh sorrow said the little swallow , I fear a dark
storm cloud in the west and I fear I'll not see tomorrow".
We humans still cower in our caves and wail, gnash teeth and live in
fear of the dark and boogeymen.... shameful


Steve Davies wrote:

> Have a look at the article linked here. What's interesting is not so
> much the content as the fact that this piece has been published and in
> The Guardian (the main centre-left journal in Britain) which is
> usually full of the standard 'green'
> line.,3604,854050,00.html Steve
> Davies

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