Re: "...wir nichts wissen koennen."

Date: Thu Dec 05 2002 - 12:02:34 MST

In a message dated 12/5/2002 12:08:37 PM Central Standard Time, writes: Well, the solution is obvious. Since witness
recall and the whole justice system is so flawed, let's just stop punishing
people for crimes altogether. Besides, many studies have shown that
punishment offers little in the way of deterrence anyhow, so is anyone really
being helped by locking up the bad guys? (Besides making certain people feel
better?) Besides, it greatly inconveniences the criminals who, it must not
be forgotten, are people too.

       I agree, certain people must feel almost as bad over criminals being
imprisoned as over murderers being executed. We really should stop punishing
anyone. Then when conditions get bad enough we could elect an ombudsman that
had the power to imprison or execute anyone that had become too much of a
public hazard.
       Alternatively we could do without any law enforcement what ever and
leave it to private individuals to defend themselves. The last time we used
that system (in England) my ancestors did real well selling protection.
Ron h.

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