RE: Roy Walford okay?

From: Hal Finney (
Date: Wed Dec 04 2002 - 12:55:33 MST

Natasha writes:
> Roy Walford, whose mind is still as agile and quick-witted as ever, has
> ALS.

I'm very sorry to hear that. He certainly sounds like a courageous and
dedicated person.

ALS is also called Lou Gehrig's disease, but is probably best known today
as the affliction of physicist Stephen Hawking. Hawking's continual
professional accomplishments demonstrate how ALS will spare the mind
even while devastating the body.

Facing a serious and progressive disease like this would be difficult
for anyone, but hopefully it would be encouraging to know that it won't
attack your mind, your inner self. I don't know what Roy Walford's
plans are for future existence, but a cryonicist could take particular
comfort in that fact.

Typical survival times after diagnosis with ALS are about five years,
but Hawking has lasted almost 40 years so far. He attributes this to his
diet and vitamins. If so then this could be another source of hope for
Roy Walford.


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