RE: Global Warming [was: botched diplomacy?]

From: Ramez Naam (
Date: Tue Dec 03 2002 - 10:03:18 MST

From: spike66 []
> Mez, the coniferous root fungus has little or nothing to
> do with global warming. The greens claim it is, but that
> is propaganda. What is killing the evergreens is your
> lawn. You pour water on that lawn from the sprinkler
> to keep it green, along with various fertilizers, you
> and your neighbors. Add up all that water and compare
> with the historic rainfall and temperature averages,
> which haven't changed much and the mystery is solved.

Actually the pines I'm referring to aren't on my property - they're on
a state-owned park next door that receives no artificial watering or
fertilizing. And my information on the impact of global warming on
this blight comes not from green propaganda, but from a friend who did
her doctoral thesis on this particular root fungus.


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