Re: botched diplomacy?

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Mon Dec 02 2002 - 20:30:33 MST

On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, Charles Hixson wrote:

> Well, that's arguable. It's certainly a better argument than the Feds
> will bother to use. And better than the justification for most recent
> legislation.

Well the "most recent" legislation is trying to turn back the clock.

(We need to be specific here, I'm not sure Charles and I are on the same

If we are discussing the rollbacks on plant improvement regulations
by the Bush administration we are discussing a transfer of pollution
consequences from western or midwest states to the states to the east
of them. I think these particularly effect Northeastern states
where Mike is and I hail from -- so we are rather sensitive to
these uninvited transfers of environmental consequences. I view
it as little different from having to clean up my neighbors
dog or cat poop from my lawn. If its your pet then its your
responsibility to clean it up! The same is true for your
environmental ca-ca.


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