Re: googlefight

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Sat Nov 30 2002 - 19:12:16 MST

On Sat, 30 Nov 2002, spike66 wrote:

> While searching for that I found a great site called
> Googlefight. You can find out, for instance, who is
> more popular, spike Jones or Robert Bradbury? Spike,
> 215000 hits vs Bradbury's 137000 hits. Check it out:

ROTFL to some degree. Of course Google hasn't worked
it out completely yet -- Robert J. Bradbury is confused
with Robert N. Bradbury and probably numerous others.
My father has done the complete history of the Bradbury
family tree so in theory it should be possible to identify
me uniquely (e.g.
Alternatively, one could cluster interests (compsci, biotech,
longevity, aging, extropianism) to identify me as a unique individual.

Computers will eventually get this right but matching
Spike Jones against Robert Bradbury at this point
will produce more noise than information.

So, IMO it remains undetermined who is most popular
the "real" Spike Jones or the "real" Robert Bradbury.
Now, it is perfectly fine from my perspective for S.J.
to be more popular. He obviously lurks on lists that
try to determine new prime numbers and the rankings
of chess programs. Robert on the other hand lurks
on lists involving biotechnology, nanotechnology and

So a whole new realm of googlefight might be which individual
contributes the most on an extropic front. Probably on a
surface evaluation I might come out ahead of Spike. But
since Spike's job is a stealth job there is really no good
way to evaluate this. So we just have to trust him.


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