Re: Two Insights Regarding Opinions of the United Nations and United States

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Fri Nov 29 2002 - 11:08:29 MST

> (Amara Graps <>):
> >Personally, I do think that the United States would take the notion
> >of new States quite seriously. It has admitted both Hawaii and
> >Alaska in fairly recent history. Any new State would be judged for
> >admission on criteria like: 1) Is this a stable culture, economy and
> >government? 2a) Are these people culturally compatible i.e. similar
> >enough in values, traditions, etc. 2b) From a practical point of
> >view, I think that the English language as the primary tongue would
> >be a requirement.
> Be careful of your assumptions...
> I was born in Honolulu two years after Hawaii made 'statehood'.
> Haoles (Caucasians) were in the minority, universally disliked by
> the dozen or so ethnic groups living in the islands, and English was
> a far cry from being spoken universally.

...and after 40 years of American assimilation, the primary language
is now Japanese...

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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