Re: Movies (was: throw out your DVD player - it's obsolete)

From: Regina Pancake (
Date: Thu Nov 28 2002 - 21:59:01 MST

>Has anyone noticed the increase in the number of
>TV dramas and comedies that have a level of polish
>to make them direct competitors of the big screen?
>Shows like ER, Ally McBeal, Left Wing, seem
>to be better than the ever-fewer talking heads
>movies that come out today. Hollywood has abandoned
>that field in order to concentrate on car chases,
>shoot-em-ups and general destruction and mayhem.

Its said that the reason for the trend for more "shoot 'em ups" and that
ilk, is that the corporations that now own the movie studios see that the
over seas markets are much more profitable than the domestic box office
take. Which means mostly that subtitles are put in. Less words, more
action. This trend was sighted prominently in a Frontline documentary
episode on PBS titled "The Monster that Ate Hollywood"


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