RE: Aussie Perspective of US and Europe was: Cultural and media stereotypes (was Re: botched diplomacy)

From: William (
Date: Thu Nov 28 2002 - 10:47:06 MST

> Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2002 09:09:20 +1100
> From: "Brett Paatsch" <>
> Subject: Cultural and media stereotypes (was Re: botched diplomacy)

Brett and other Extropes,
I read and saved your eloquent long post regarding the historical
between the 2 regions.  It has usually been said that Great Britain is the
best friend or best ally but I think that is even more true of Australia. It
just so
happens that most global conflicts happen much closer to Europe or actually
in Europe so that the relative seclusion of Australia keeps it
out of the spotlight.  Of course, I realize that the Japanese in World War
 were not a long way off and that the heat in Indonesia is even closer so
unfortunately for Aussies the bad guys (terrorist that tend to be Muslims in
general and Arabs in particular) are coming your way. We (the US) will be
there if that (continues to) happen. - Bill.

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