Re: Friedman on the state of the world

Date: Wed Nov 27 2002 - 16:02:56 MST

Friedman is a brilliant writer indeed, however some of his views seems unworkable, such as dispersing US Forces on the West Bank, so as to intervene between Israel and the PLO. This would have made American troops extremly vulnerable to PLO attacks, quickly disavowed, and Islamic Jihadi, Hamas, and PFLP, as well as Hezbollah attacks, rapidly credited.

For a real incisive mind, I would advance Washington Post columnist, Charles Krauthammer, as one of the best minds of this generation, regarding international policy. Krauthammer is a neo-conservative who had written for The New Republic.

In a message dated 11/27/2002 1:21:31 PM Eastern Standard Time, "Robert J. Bradbury" <> writes:

>"Defusing the Holy Bomb"
>Well worth reading I think by all of the people on the
>list involved in "political" discussions.
>The more I read Friedman the more I like him.  He's
>been on Charlie Rose and just seems to hit the issues
>on the head.  Maybe we could get him to run for President.

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