RE: Bogus medical claims

From: gts (
Date: Tue Nov 26 2002 - 12:54:07 MST

Rafal Smigrodzki wrote:

> gts wrote:
>> Actually it acts through insulin-like growth
>> factor 1 (IGF-1).
> >
> ### Oops, you are right. My error.

It's an easy one to make.

I'm afraid I have an unfair advantage if this is to be
some kind of debate. I am owner and moderator of a
discussion list called "Longevity," and I am the
co-moderator of another discussion list called
"Rejuvenation." The latter discussion list is
specifically for discussion of injectable growth
hormone for purposes of rejuvenation. The former list
is for discussion of any health related subject
related to longevity.

GH is no different from most natural substances found
in the body: too much is unhealthy but too little is
also unhealthy. The trick is in finding that healthy
middle ground. The usual method is to get blood tests
for IGF-1. Ideally one should keep IGF-1 in the
youthful range of about 250-350. For most people this
is achievable with average daily doses of about 1 iu,
much less than is typically used in research studies
that report side effects.

Daily doses in excess of about 3 iu per day can
sometimes lead to side effects like edema, carpal
tunnel syndrome, and glucose intolerance.

And yes there is also the cancer risk, though this has
blown way out of proportion by the media. As yet there
is no evidence anywhere that GH therapy causes cancer.
Excessive levels of IGF-1 have been linked to cancer
in epidemiological studies, but no causal link was
found. And even if such a causal link between IGF-1
and cancer were proved, it would not be conclusive
proof that GH therapy causes cancer. This is so
because GH also acts to stimulate the immune system,
thus helping to fight cancer. Specifically, GH
activates the Natural Killer (NK) cells of the immune
system, cells which kill newly cancerous cells in the
body. It may even be true that GH therapy reduces the
risk of cancer for this reason.


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