RE: duck me!

From: Rafal Smigrodzki (
Date: Tue Nov 26 2002 - 09:58:01 MST wrote:
> Rafal Smigrodzki wrote:
>> ### Now, let me ask again - at which point does Mr. Hefner stop
>> being himself (or die, as you wrote)?
>> At the end of the data exchange I would think "Here I am, a
>> sentient entity with memories of RS and HH, present equally in
>> the bodies designated RS and HH". Mr. Hefner would undergo the
>> same transformation. No discontinuities at any point.
>> Where do we die?
> I don't see how you can be present equally in the bodies designated RS
> and HH. The HH body would be experiencing HH's physical life and the
> RS body would be experiencing RS's physical life. Yes?

### If the minds are synched in real time, it would be one entity (like two
halves of a brain). Otherwise I could say "Here I am, a mind with memories
of RS and HH, existing in two copies, one in each body".

So, at which point does Mr Hefner stop being Mr Hefner?


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