More than human (Was: reintroduction)

From: Anders Sandberg (
Date: Tue Nov 26 2002 - 06:48:21 MST

On Sun, Nov 24, 2002 at 11:14:45AM -0800, Ramez Naam wrote:
> I'm also currently working on a book with the working title "More Than
> Human: Technology and the Future of Mankind". The thesis of the book
> is that it is a fundamental part of human nature to seek to improve
> ourselves and our offspring, and as such, we should welcome
> technologies such as intelligence augmentation, lifespan extension,
> stem cells, cloning, genetic engineering, and brain computer
> interfaces, as they provide very promising paths to the self- and
> offspring- improvement that we seek.

This is promising. I made roughly the same point in my talk at the
Danish ethical council last week. I outlined my concept of what it
means to be a human, and showed that it meshes fine with self-enhancing
technology, unlike the static concept of human nature of Fukuyama.

> The book is aimed at a lay
> audience and covers both the technologies I just mentioned and the
> common sense ethical arguments for embracing them (with all due regard
> to issues of safety). I hope to have the book completed by spring in
> time for Fall publication, though my friends who are published authors
> inform me that this is quite an ambitious timeline. If you're
> seriously interested in reviewing and offering feedback on parts of
> the book during the writing process, let me know and I'll add you to
> my review loop.

I think we might all benefit from throwing ideas at each other and the
list on these subjects. I feel that right now this list need more
discussions that tie together the here-and-now, the cool-and-remote
tech and the high philosophy. Maybe you should from time to time post a
synopsis of a chapter with its arguments, and see what could be

Anders Sandberg                                      Towards Ascension!                  
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