Re: ANTIOPTIMISM: Pakistan and North Korea

Date: Sun Nov 24 2002 - 17:18:05 MST

Alfio noted:
<<Well said. I wish that there was the same attitude in my country... most
of the people think the same, but the government seems to have a different
Alfio >>

Or it could be an American Rightist suspicion, Alfio, that when the cowboys
in the CIA kick around some of the alleged labs hidden under palaces and
mobile trailers; they may notice industrial and scientific devices with a
European manufacture. This would indicate, under the table dealings with
Saddam via 3rd and 4th parties. This would also indicate that certain
industrial concerns have no problem fueling Saddam's Weapons stash, for the
right money or oil trade-offs?

I do not know if I am being insulting (deliberately not, for sure), however
being a cynic and a reader of modern and ancient history, I think this facet
needs to be examined and verified to be true or merely, paranoid hysteria.

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