Re: Ramez Naam: redesigning children

From: Avatar Polymorph (
Date: Sun Nov 24 2002 - 05:04:56 MST

Ramez Naam writes on redesigning children and their access to tech later.

Fine logic. For the 1960s, however.

Adults will be able to restructure their own genetic structure shortly.

And with intracellular nanotech (cell repair machines/molecular
supercomputers) we will be able to swing our dna patterns back and forth,
just relying on internal molecular memory. In this sense, artificial
molecular machinery operates as a more efficient and directional adjunct to
the 'natural' molecular machinery of dna.

In addition, we will be able to "surgically" alter our neurology - at the
nano level, the molecular level and the macro level.

That's my opinion, anyhow.

Towards Ascension
Avatar Polymorph

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