RE: Movies (was: throw out your DVD player - it's obsolete)

From: Ramez Naam (
Date: Sun Nov 24 2002 - 01:50:23 MST

From: John K Clark []
> I'd be terrified if I was in the film business, how are movie
> studios going to make money in the near future?

People still enjoy the experience of going out to a movie with friends
or family, being in a crowd, and seeing it on a screen larger than the
vast majority will ever be able to have at home.

People also like seeing movies as soon as they're released. If the
movie industry can make it at least fairly inconvenient for me to get
a copy of a new movie for a couple months after release, then they've

>From a personal standpoint, I have friends in China who will happily
send me a VCD of a new movie as soon as it's out in theaters (It may
cost me $3, but oh well), and I use a bright LCD projector as a
screen, so I'm limited only by wallspace. Despite this, I see movies
in the theater as much as ever, because it's fun.

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