RE: Drawing the Circle of Sentient Privilege (was RE: What's Important to Discuss)

From: gts (
Date: Thu Nov 21 2002 - 21:35:48 MST

Lee Corbin wrote:

> gts writes
>> The most obvious of these is the right of self-defense.
>> Who can object to the notion that a person has a natural
>> right to defend his own life?
> And if someone does, what are you going to do about it?

Argue with him, I suppose. However if he actually acts on his idea, by
restraining an innocent person from defending his own life during the
course of a murder, then I will gladly see him be prosecuted in court
for his crime.

>> To those who would argue that rights exist only in a
>> legal sense, I ask, "Did blacks in America have an
>> intrinsic right to be free before their emancipation?
> No, because there is no such thing.

So then you would keep slaves in a country in which slavery is legal?

If you disapprove of slavery (as I think you do, from your paragraph
that followed) then how can you deny that blacks had, *in your opinion*,
a right to be free prior to their emancipation?


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