Re: extropians-digest V7 #319

From: Cory Przybyla (
Date: Thu Nov 21 2002 - 14:18:16 MST

--- Alexander Sheppard <>

> Well, I think a lot of times they aren't arbitrary,
> really: of course
> sometimes they are, but a lot of times they're
> crafted to suit the needs of
> a certain group. For example, sexism favors men,
> almost universally.
> >From: Alexander Sheppard
=== message truncated ===

If sexism actually favors men in most cases, it ruins
a lot of hope for it's decline. I tend to believe
that at best it temporarily favors men, or it favors a
small minority of men (defectors) such that it's to
the rest's benefit to stop it. Expecting people not
to do things which on the whole will benefit them is a
lost cause, without grave fear of consequences, and
even then doesn't universally succeed.

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